Writing is Scary


Writing is terrifying actually. The act of putting my thoughts down for someone else to read is anxiety-inducing. Then again, so is this entire year, so why not give it a try.

Hello There. This comes to you from a brief pause in quarantine activity in my part of the world. This summer has been calm compared to the spring and what will follow in the winter. I have been outside with my garden, running, and balancing returning to work.

I am finally able to open my windows while writing this morning. It has cooled off considerably after the rain last night and feels wonderful. I like listening to the wind in the tress as I write.

My learning style has been on my mind. Everyone’s learning styles, how we are different. I’m finding that a breakdown in communication comes from a lack of understanding another person. The way I learn best is slow at first, so I can understand processes and intricacies. It may seem like I’m not understanding, but my brain is dissecting a way to do this better, faster, in harmony with my own ambitions. Once I figure something out, I’m full speed from there. But the beauty of a collection is its diversity. Someone needs to talk things out, someone needs reassurance, someone needs to be left alone. No one way is wrong. If you know yourself, you can make the best choice for you. It makes me think about remaining humble as a teacher or mentor. A good leader facilitates conversation, not dictation. Flexibility makes room for others to grow.

Originally published July 21, 2020


This Week’s Spread

